Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that broke away from the dominant academic realism of its time. Today, its works are widely admired in museums around the world, which is paradoxical considering that they were rejected by the "Salon of the Rejected" during their era.

There is a common link between nature photographers and the Impressionists, as both work outdoors seeking to capture the essence of color and light. At times, I feel like I am painting nature through my camera, trying to reinvent what is already represented. I mainly experiment with different techniques such as camera movement, water distortions, the use of petroleum jelly, or blurs, aiming to emulate the impressionist strokes of the great masters. Thus, I manage to infuse my images with brushstrokes, dots, and blurs that dress them in a pictorial aesthetic.

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contenidos © Juan Tapiasite by Bluekea